Navigating NDIS

What is the NDIS?
The NDIS provides services and support to people with disability.
NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
What does the NDIS do?
The NDIS pays for support and services for people with disability.
Supports and services can include:
help with daily life
aids and equipment
help to meet your goals and do the things you want to do.
We think that it’s better if people can get services and support:
as early as possible in their lives
when they first get a disability.
This is called early intervention.
It can apply to both children and adults.
Not everyone with disability can get the NDIS.
So the NDIS helps people with disability to find and use other services too.

Who can take part in the NDIS?
If someone can take part in the NDIS, we say that they are eligible.
To be eligible, you must have a disability that is:
permanent – it won’t go away
significant – it affects the way you live your day-to-day life.
You must be under 65 years old.
You must live in Australia.
You need to be 1 of these:
a citizen
a permanent resident
a holder of a Protected Special Category visa.
People who use the NDIS usually need support to live their
day-to-day life.
This support might be:
help from other people, like a carer
products or technology
changes to their home.
Some people can get help now to reduce the help they need later in life. And some people need help to:
learn new skills
reach their goals
Are you eligible for the NDIS?
You can visit our website at www.ndis.gov.au and complete the checklist to find out.
If you are eligible, you can apply.
We explain how to apply below.

How do you apply for the NDIS?
If you think you are eligible to use the NDIS, you can apply. There is a form you need to fill out. We call it an Access Request. You can get this form on our website at www.ndis.gov.au Or you can get it at an NDIS office near you. You can search for the office that is closest to you on our website.
You can apply for:
your child
someone else if you are their legal representative.
What if you need help?
You can ask for help to apply. A family member, friend or other support person may be able to help you.
Information you need to include
You need to tell us about yourself when you apply for the NDIS. We need to know:
your name
your age
your address
And whether you are:
an Australain Citizen
a permanent resident
a holder of a Protected Special Category visa.
what kind of disability you have
how your disability affects your day-to-day life.
You need to show us evidence that you have a disability.
This evidence might be a letter or report from your doctor or other health care provider. Please make sure you keep your own copy of this information. You’ll also need to tell us that it’s ok to talk to your doctor or health care provider about your disability. You need to send this information to us.
What happens next?
Once we receive your form and information, we will read it. We might need to ask you for more information. Once this is done, we will tell you if you can use the NDIS. If you can’t use the NDIS, we can help you find or use other services. Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. When participants start using the NDIS, they make a plan.
Steps to apply for the NDIS
Step 1: Apply
Step 2: Provide evidence
Step 3: Receive outcome:
· NDIS planning
· Other services

What does the NDIS pay for?
The NDIS pays for services and support for people with disability.
The services and support must be:
reasonable – something that is fair
necessary – something that a person needs.
The services and support should also:
be good value for money
work well for you
work well with any help or support you get from other people or places, like family and friends.
The NDIS doesn’t pay for day-to-day living costs, like rent or groceries. And it’s different to other payments you might get, such as:
the Disability Support Pension (DSP)– a payment from the government to help with your day-to-day living costs
compensation – money you might have received if you had
an accident.
The NDIS will not affect your DSP or any compensation payments
you might receive.
What about families and carers?
Most NDIS supports and services are for people with disability.
But some supports and services can also be helpful for families
and carers.
Some families get extra help with day-to-day support.
And some families use respiteservices.
This is when they take a break from caring for someone with disability.